What is Persoanlised Testing?
What are the benefits?
Customized Learning Experience
Personalized Testing allows students to tailor their practice sessions according to their specific needs. They can choose to focus on a particular subject, topic, or subtopic, ensuring that their study efforts are aligned with their learning goals.
Comprehensive Question Bank
By categorizing questions by subject, topic, and subtopic, the product provides a wide range of questions, covering the entire curriculum. This extensive question bank helps students practice thoroughly and reinforces their understanding of different concepts.
Randomized Questions
Randomized questions prevent students from memorizing specific answers or patterns. This ensures that students genuinely understand the material and are prepared to answer questions on the subject matter, rather than rote learning.
Progress Tracking
Personalized Testing keeps track of a student's performance over time. This enables students to monitor their progress in each subject, topic, or subtopic. They can identify areas where they need improvement and allocate their study time more effectively.
Preparation Analysis
The ML algorithms employed for analysis provide valuable insights into a student's preparation. These algorithms can assess a student's strengths and weaknesses in various subjects, topics, and subtopics. This analysis can reveal which areas require more attention and which are already well-prepared.
Performance Benchmarking
Over time, the product can adapt to a student's strengths and weaknesses. For instance, if the ML algorithms detect that a student consistently struggles with a specific subtopic, it can generate more questions related to that subtopic to help the student improve in that area.
How it works?
What is mentor clubhouse?
How is mentor clubhouse useful to students?
Expert Guidance
Students can access mentors who are subject matter experts. This can be especially beneficial when they need help with complex topics, exam preparation, or understanding challenging concepts.
Clearing Doubts
The platform can be used to clear doubts quickly and efficiently. Students can ask questions and receive immediate responses, reducing frustration and helping them grasp concepts more effectively.
Subjective Answer Sheet Review
Getting subjective answers reviewed by mentors can be immensely helpful in improving writing and analytical skills. It can also help students understand the grading process better
Improved Performance
With access to mentors and their guidance, students are likely to perform better academically. They can receive constructive feedback, study tips, and strategies for improvement.
Increased Confidence
Interacting with mentors can boost a student's confidence in their abilities. Knowing that they have someone experienced to turn to for assistance can reduce anxiety related to studies.
Community and Networking
One-to-many sessions can foster a sense of community among students with similar interests or challenges. They can connect, share experiences, and build a network of peers.
How it works?

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